The Importance of Gluteus Medius

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When we think about the muscles that a figure skater uses we tend to focus on the more well known muscles such as core, quadriceps (anterior thigh) and hamstrings (posterior thigh), but the Gluteus Medius is just as important if not more so! The glut med is one of the primary stabilizers of the hip and connects the hip to the pelvis. It helps control your body over a single leg. Figure skaters spend a majority of their time on a single leg (stroking, turns, spirals, jumps etc . . . ) 

It helps keep the hip from dropping when performing turns such as brackets and 3 turns or jumps. If the hip drops then that can change the edge that you are taking off on and change the jump or decrease the ability to power up and get full rotation in a jump. 

A couple simple exercises can be added to your strengthening routine to make sure you are targeting the glut medius:  Standing hip extension with thera band (similar to landing position). Sidelying leg lifts with hip extended back. 

Standing Hip Extension.jpg
Sidelying Hip Abduction.jpg

Shoes or no shoes for home workouts?